About 90% of my acupuncture is aimed to treat the tenth cranial nerve, the vagus nerve which innervates the visceral organs such as the heart, the lungs, and the gastrointestinal tracks, and interfaces with the parasympathetic. This treatment is especially effective...
On Depression & Anxiety: what To Do What to do: drink more water than usual, learn how to breathe properly such as certain yoga techniques, do not stay in one room, get out and walk, break a daily routine a bit, do what make you happy, start thinking in the...
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ, アリゾナ日本鍼灸 Acupuncture: What is it? Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healig and to improve functioning. This is done by inserting needles and applying heat at very precise acupuncture points. Hoe does...
We all know everyone gets sick in Oct. Best time to prevent is in Sept. We catch cold from the foot and the back of the neck. Any slight sensation of air flow and coldness around the areas, and any slight symptoms such as cough, runny know, headache can not be...
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ Hysterectomy Equals Mastectomy And The Notion of Oketsu (Stagnation Blood) Ask anyone who had a mastectomy, if she had a hysterectomy years before the malignancy, and you will find that almost everyone would say yes. Today,...
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ Are You Drinking Water Properly? Age Ten and Under: Children demand water more than adults. It is a very natural desire since their cells are multiplying fast. Parents must be vigilant on dehydration. Sometime, on hot summer day, a...
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, Arizona Why Awareness Because without it, love turns to hate, and the mind and the thinking would be out of control. Dalai Lama Because he (man) sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his...
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ Medical Notes Phoenix, April issue, 2012, by editorial Bad Medicine: even after high-profile tragedies, a silent epidemic of prescription drug overprescription, abuse and overdose continues to plague Arizona. “In 2010, more than 1,100...
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ Clientele Demography 90%: referral base Testimonial: “I don’t have to see three doctors anymore and am saving $130 for medications.” Jim C. FedEx Executive “Came in for a post surgery pain of the cervical spine. An option was to redo...
Japanese Acupuncture, Phoenix, AZ Cancer: How To Prevent and How To Cope I lost my aunt to liver cancer in July. Since I lost my mother to lung cancer, it is time for me to write about cancer. First Defense: Change blood to alkaline. Stop drinking alcohol and change...